PhD Position in Decision Neuroscience at Erasmus University Rotterdam

December 02, 2024

The Erasmus Center for Neuroeconomics ( seeks a highly motivated PhD student looking to study decision-making using neuroscience methods (fMRI or EEG). Strong applicants have backgrounds in (cognitive/social) psychology, (cognitive/social) neuroscience or neuroeconomics, and are looking to pursue careers as world-class academic researchers. At our Center, students define and execute their own projects in consultation with their advisers, and thus need creativity, self-direction, and a passion for scientific research.

The Erasmus Center for Neuroeconomics is hosted by the Marketing department at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), which ranks among the best in the world. Department members publish their research in top journals in marketing, psychology and neuroscience. They deeply care about open science practices (e.g., data sharing and open-source software), and frequently host seminars to encourage knowledge exchange. The group is diverse (in terms of research interests and cultural background), collaborative, and collegial.

Researchers at the Center for Neuroeconomics work on a wide range of topics in decision neuroscience such as understanding the neurological basis of emotions, social conformity, dishonesty, charitable giving, persuasive messaging, consumer judgments and predicting population-level outcomes from neural data. Projects of current PhDs in our Center focus on the role of narratives in the persuasive appeal of advertising, the fundamental processes underlying neuroforecasting, social credit scores, and emotional spill-over effects in advertising.

Some experience with EEG and/or fMRI data analysis is required for this position. Experience or interest in classification algorithms, prediction models, or multivariate approaches to EEG or fMRI data analyses is a definite plus. Experience with, or at least affinity for programming, particularly in Python (or otherwise Matlab or R) is a must.

For your application, we require a motivation letter, a CV, and the names of two references. It is not necessary to ask referents for letters at the application stage. It is also not necessary to have completed a GMAT or GRE for the initial submission.

Interested candidates can apply through the ERIM website ( Application deadline January 15, 2025. For more information about this position, please check out the ERIM website and/or contact Maarten Boksem ().

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