CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – 2022 International Society for Research on Emotion Conference

October 07, 2021
ISRE 2022 in person: Hold the Date!

We are happy to announce the call for submissions and for pre-conference proposals for the bi-annual ISRE (International Society for Research on Emotion) conference. The conference will take place in-person on the 15-18th of July 2022 at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles USA.

The ISRE conference is an exciting opportunity to meet international colleagues, present your work, and to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in emotion research. ISRE members study emotions from a wide range of disciplines including psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, sociology, linguistics, affective computing, history, anthropology, art and design. The ISRE conference 2022 will include keynote addresses by Antonio Damasio, Barbara Fredrickson and Eran Halperin.

If you would like to contribute to the ISRE conference by presenting your research, we invite you to submit an abstract of max. 250 words by November 21, 2021. Submissions are welcome from scholars in all relevant disciplines for symposia (of up to four talks and a discussant, or 5 talks), individual talks, and posters. Symposia are encouraged to include more than one discipline to facilitate cross-disciplinary exchange. Talks will be 15 minutes long. Abstracts should be submitted online at the ISRE 2022 conference website ( Submissions will open later this October. Please consult the guidelines on the website before preparing your submission.

If you would like to organize a pre-conference, we will be accepting proposals up until November 30, 2021. Please submit a 1 page PDF proposal to the pre-conference chairs, Gale Lucas () and Rachael Jack (). Proposals should include names and affiliation of the organizers, a 400 word max description and provisional line-up of speakers and topics.

All abstracts will be subject to peer review by an international scientific committee; accepted abstracts will be published in the conference program. Notification of acceptance decisions will be communicated in February 2022. Online registration is expected to be available shortly after that.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Los Angeles in July 2022!

Jonathan Gratch and Stacy Marsella, Organizers, ISRE 2022 Conference

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