Student Social and Behavioral Science Opportunities

December 17, 2020

Student Training Resources Fall 2020
National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Education and Human Resources:
* Division of Graduate Education<> * Division of Undergraduate Education<> * Division of Human Resource Development<> * Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings<>
NSF Special Programs for Graduate Students<> NSF Special Programs for Postdoctoral Fellows<>
NSF Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE):
* National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics Research Ambassadors Program Summer Internship<> * SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships<> * Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants, administered through numerous core programs * Archaeology Program – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards (Arch-DDRI)<> * Biological Anthropology Program – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (BA-DDRIG)<> * Cultural Anthropology Program – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (CA-DDRIG)<> * Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards (HEGS-DDRI)<> * Linguistics Program – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards (Ling-DDRI)<> * Linguistics: Dynamic Language Infrastructure – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DLI-DDRI)<> * Science and Technology Studies Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants<> * Science of Science – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (SOS DDRIG)<> * SBE Research Experiences for Undergraduates Sites (SBE REU Sites)<>
National Cancer Institute:
* Cancer Training Opportunities<>
National Institute of Justice:
* Research Assistantship Program<>: Accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year * Graduate Research Fellowship Program<> * Native Student Travel Scholarship Program: Connecting Science to Crime and Justice<>
NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR):
* Training supported by the OBSSR<> * FOA for established investigators to cross-train between behavioral and social sciences and mHealth/data science:
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA): Research into the value and impact of the arts is a core function of the NEA. Through accurate, relevant, and timely analyses and reports, the NEA reveals the conditions and characteristics of the U.S. arts ecosystem and the impact of the arts on our everyday lives.
* Graduate Research Internships are available in NEA’s Office of Research & Analysis on a non-paid basis. Application information:
Department of Education:
* Internship opportunities<>
Society for Conservation Biology—Social Science Working Group:
* Conservation Social Science Mentoring Program<>
Ecological Society of America:
* EcologyPlus<>—aims to connect diverse college students and early career scientists with timely and relevant career opportunities and a community of peers and professionals in ecology and related careers across all sectors.

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