Junior Specialist – Lapate Laboratory, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences

January 10, 2024

Description: The Lapate Laboratory (PI: Regina Lapate) in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites applications for a full-time Junior Research Specialist/Lab Manager position (start date: March-June 2024). The Lapate Laboratory investigates the neural mechanisms underlying emotional processing and regulation using fMRI, EEG, TMS, and psychophysiological recordings (EMG, EDA). Ongoing projects include studies of the prefrontal organization of cognitive control in emotion, emotion-motor interactions, and temporal memory following emotional processing.

Responsibilities of the Junior Specialist will include engaging in specialized research associated with ongoing projects, including behavioral and neuroimaging studies interrogating neural mechanisms of cognitive regulation of emotion and the influence of emotion on memory and cognitive control. The Junior Specialist will assist with recruiting, organizing, and scheduling participants, conducting literature reviews, developing/programming experiments, acquiring and analyzing data (behavioral, EEG, fMRI, TMS), and preparing results for presentation. The Junior Specialist will also assist with training of research volunteers, and managing research protocols.

The University of California is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching, and service as appropriate to the position.

Department: https://psych.ucsb.edu/

Lab: https://lapatelab.psych.ucsb.edu/

Basic qualifications (required at time of application)

Applicants must have completed or be currently enrolled in a BA or BS program in psychology or a related field (neuroscience, computer science, applied mathematics, biology, etc.) by the time of application.
Additional qualifications (required at time of start)

-Applicants must have their bachelors degree conferred by the start date of the position.
-Demonstrated potential for excellence in research as evidenced by previous laboratory experience or research assistant positions (6+ months duration),
conference presentations, and/or publications.

-Will have a demonstrated record of academic excellence as evidenced by outstanding grades in relevant courses (major GPA of 3.0 or higher).
Preferred qualifications

-Preferred candidates will have a major GPA of 3.5 or higher, experience with programming tools (UNIX, bash, MATLAB/Python programming), a strong college math background (linear algebra) and/or statistics, and previous research experience with human subjects (1 or more years).
-Demonstrated potential for excellence in research as evidenced by previous conference presentations, and/or publications.

Document requirements
· Curriculum Vitae – Your most recently updated C.V.
· Cover Letter
· Undergraduate Transcripts
Reference requirements
· 3 required (contact information only)

Applicants that are strongly considered will have their references contacted prior to selection for interview
Apply here: https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/JPF02676

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