We are excited to announce the inaugural Rising Star Award sponsored by Temple University’s Department of Psychology. This award represents efforts to increase diversity and inclusivity in the psychological sciences by providing an opportunity for a trainee to present their work to the Department of Psychology. The award winner will present their work at a colloquium in the Spring of 2021 and receive a $300 honorarium. The theme of this semester’s award is “Learning and Memory”, broadly construed. The award is open to senior graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Research advisors should submit the application on behalf of their trainees. The application consists of a nomination letter (500 words) and a diversity statement (250 words). The nomination should highlight the applicant’s commitment to research in learning and memory, and the diversity statement should include how the candidate will contribute to the promotion of diversity, inclusivity, and equity in the field. Application materials should be sent as a single PDF to <> by 2/1/2021. Any additional inquiries can also be sent to the <>.
Call for Abstracts
Special Issue of Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine [formerly Psychosomatic Medicine] Deadline April 1, 2025 Interpersonal Processes of Biopsychosocial Health: Current and Future Directions Guest Editors: Kuan-Hua Chen, Joan Monin, Stephanie Wilson, & Youngmee...