Our conference will provide sponsors and exhibitors with great opportunities to showcase products and interact with neuroscience researchers and clients on an international scale.
Sponsor Benefits

Get Noticed
The SANS Conference provides an excellent opportunity for your brand to be exposed to over 300 delegates from the field of social and affective neuroscience. Differentiate your company from your competitors, increase your company’s visibility or introduce your new products to this unique group of leaders.

Premium branding & positioning opportunity
Reach your target audience and be recognized as a supporter of the conference and its aims. Set your product, service and brand apart from your competitors – guaranteed visibility on printed materials, advertising, and promotions.

Face time with leading scientists
Connect with over investigators, researchers, scientists and students actively involved in social and affective neuroscience research with the opportunity to build relationships and form valuable partnerships. Conference registration, marketing opportunities, exhibit booths and networking are among the many benefits associated with sponsoring this conference.

Connect with leading and emerging researchers
Gain exposure, build relationships, develop partnerships and connect with representatives actively involved in Neuroscience research from across North America and around the world.