*** DEADLINE EXTENDED *** MARCH 9, 2025 ***
IVA 2025 – 25th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents // Berlin, Germany, September 16-19, 2025
IVA 2025 is looking for exciting proposals for half-day or full-day workshops or tutorials to be held on September 16, 2025 (https://iva.acm.org/2025/call-for-workshops/).
This year’s conference theme is Aesthetics and Culture: Exploiting aesthetic principles and cultural nuances for the interaction between humans and Socially Interactive Agents to mitigate user trust, comfort, and willingness to interact, reducing barriers in social human-machine interaction.
* Workshop/tutorial proposal submission date: February 28, 2025 March 9, 2025
* Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2025
Workshops provide a forum for community members to discuss common interests of the IVA community in a focused way. Your workshop could, for example, (a) address a pre-defined set of focus questions, (b) present alternative views on particular issues and attempts to resolve them, (c) identify priorities for new research directions, and/or (d) initiate appropriate collaborations.
Note: The workshop papers will be published in an adjunct publication with the IVA conference proceedings published by ACM.
Tutorials are intended to provide a high-quality learning experience to participants with a varied range of backgrounds. It is expected that tutorials are self-contained and structured to: (a) introduce foundational concepts or techniques relevant to the IVA community, (b) explore emerging tools, methods, or frameworks, (c) offer hands-on experiences or demonstrations, and/or (d) provide insights into practical applications.
Organisers of accepted workshops or tutorials are expected to:
* Plan, announce, and coordinate the workshop or tutorial
* Set up and maintain a website, linked to the official IVA website, with information about the workshop or tutorial, materials, and a summary of the outcomes
* Create and distribute their call for papers or participation
* Collect and review submissions and decide on the final programme
* Ensure that participants are informed of the need to register for the workshop or tutorial
* Register for IVA 2025 early (at least one of the organisers)
Submission Requirements
Please email your proposal to using the subject line: “WS-IVA 2025 | [Your Workshop/Tutorial Acronym]”
Describe your workshop or tutorial using the following structure:
* Workshop or tutorial title
* Organiser(s), affiliation(s), email address(es), corresponding person
* General theme of the workshop or tutorial
* Relevance of the topic of interest
* Objectives of the workshop or tutorial
* If the workshop or tutorial has been organised before, describe why it should be repeated
* Duration (full or half day) and tentative schedule
* For workshops: paper review and publication plan (expected number of submissions, list of confirmed and tentative PC members); tentative or confirmed keynote speakers
* For tutorials: specify the targeted audience (student / early stage / advanced researchers, prerequisite knowledge, field of study) and learning objectives
* Latex template: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template
* MS Word template: https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/word_style/interim-template-style/interim-layout.docx
* Max 1000 words
* PDF format
The following criteria will guide the review process: (i) relevance to IVA, (ii) interest to the audience, (iii) quality and organisation.
Proposals are encouraged to have an international and interdisciplinary program committee.
Best regards,
Stefán Ólafsson and Aike Horstmann
Workshop and Tutorial Chairs for IVA25