We would like to invite you to take part in the 1st online International Conference on Social Neuroscience in Ecologically Valid Conditions, taking place on 21-23 June 2021 in online format and organised by the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (HSE, Russia) and...
Call for abstracts for Reading Emotions 2021: Gut, Brain, and Affect
Dear colleagues, *abstract submission closes on 25th May* We are delighted to welcome you to the tenth anniversary edition of "Reading Emotions" symposium on 5th and 6th July, 2021. The meeting will be held online. The symposium this year will focus on "Brain, Gut,...
Coursera course: #talkmentalillness
Dear SANS Colleagues, I am humbled to announce the release of the brand new online Coursera course #talkmentalillness today! You can find the course information below to pass along with colleagues, friends and family. This includes over 35 interviews featuring several...
Temple University Rising Star Award
We are excited to announce the inaugural Rising Star Award sponsored by Temple University’s Department of Psychology. This award represents efforts to increase diversity and inclusivity in the psychological sciences by providing an opportunity for a trainee to present...
Student Social and Behavioral Science Opportunities
Student Training Resources Fall 2020 National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Education and Human Resources: * Division of Graduate Education * Division of Undergraduate Education * Division of Human Resource Development * Division of Research on Learning in...
Boyd McCandless Award
Boyd McCandless Award Sponsored by APA's Division 7 (Developmental Psychology), the Boyd McCandless Award<www.apadivisions.org/division-7/awards/mccandless> recognizes a young scientist who has made a distinguished theoretical contribution to developmental...