Abstract Submission
The Social and Affective Neuroscience Society invites submission of research abstracts for its 2025 Annual Conference to be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA from April 23-26, 2025. All submissions will be evaluated by the Scientific Program Committee.
Poster & Oral Submission Guidelines
Submissions are now CLOSED
This year, you have two options to submit your abstract, either as a member or a non-member. Once you log in to your SANS Conference Manager Dashboard, you can select from one of two forms:
- Member: you can submit with the $30 USD submission fee. Visit the Membership Page for more information on how to RENEW or ENROLL.
- Non-member: you can submit with the $75 USD submission fee.
Your abstract should be between 200 – 500 words (up to 3500 characters including spaces) and should include the following sections (identify section headers as follows):
You may also upload figures, images or tables using the upload feature.
To submit your abstract, please be prepared to provide the following information:
- Your contact name, affiliation/institution name, and email address (please note authors may specify only one affiliation)
- Enter all contributing authors in the order they should appear in the program. Please note – author names and affiliations will appear in the program EXACTLY as they are entered into the submission form.
- Prepare an abstract title (max 250 character limit).
- Prepare the abstract (max 3500 character limit, including spaces).
- Select 2 keywords relating to TOPIC and 2 keywords relating to METHODS associated with the submission.
- Topic keywords are preceded with a T.
- Methods keywords are preceded with an M.
Select keywords carefully as they will be used to match your submission with reviewers from our Abstract Review Board.
- Use standard abbreviations for units of measure. Other abbreviations should be fully spelled out on the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
- If you wish to copy and paste your abstract, please ensure it is in basic text format. Once your abstract is entered in the text box, you can format as needed. All abstracts must be submitted via the text box provided.
By submitting an abstract, you agree to present at the Annual Conference, should your abstract be selected for the program.
We are continuing our Open Science initiative of offering poster submissions for preregistration summaries of analyses of completed or soon-to-be-completed datasets. You will have two options during the submission of your abstract when providing the abstract summary:
* Standard submission: A standard abstract for data analysis that has already been completed for the study. The abstract should state the study’s objective, briefly describe the methods used, summarize the results obtained, and state the conclusions. Ideally, these sections will be indicated explicitly. Abstracts should emphasize the significance of results and general principles rather than describe common methods and procedures.
* Pre-registration: Abstract for a study that you plan to conduct (or have collected already but not analyzed), and pre-register your hypotheses & data analysis plans. The abstract should state the study’s objective, describe the methods and analysis plans for each hypothesis, and discuss the general implications of the study. The data analysis should be completed before the conference to include the results and conclusion in the presentation.
Abstract Submission Themes
Keywords for Topics:
- Decision-Making
- Learning
- Clinical Disorders
- Stress
- Emotion Perception/Communication
- Emotion Regulation
- Social Cognition
- Prosocial Behavior
- Basic Affect/Emotion
- Self
- Network Science
- Language/Interpersonal Communication
- Development
- Intergroup Processes
Keywords for Methods:
- fMRI
- Computational Models of Behavior
- Pharmacology
- Neural networks/LLMs
- Network Science
- Bayesian Modeling
- Reinforcement learning
- Methods Development
- Benchmarking
- Naturalistic methods
- Structural MRI/DTI
Trainee Diversity Travel Awards
This year, to better support our SANS Community, the EDIJ Committee & Program Committee have taken steps to make applying for Travel Awards more streamlined!
Award Information: There will be 10 (ten) $500 USD awards available.
Application Eligibility: To be considered, applicants must meet the below criteria
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, or be engaged in postdoctoral studies,
- Be a student or postdoc member of SANS in good standing,
How to submit: To be considered for a Trainee Diversity Travel Award, please select the award from within the submission form (Member form only).

Key Dates
September 16, 2024 – Abstract Submissions Open
December 30, 2024 – Closed
January 2025 – Abstract Submission Process Completed
April 23-26, 2025 – Conference Dates