We are conducting a coordinate-based meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of shame and related emotions and are emailing to ask for contributions of any relevant unpublished studies in this area.
We are interested in findings from fMRI or PET studies examining the neural correlates of shame in healthy adult samples. Specifically, we are requesting results from a shame-specific (i.e. vs. neutral control condition or other emotion) group-level whole brain contrast in the form of standard (MNI or TAL space) (X,Y,Z) coordinates and, if possible, Z scores. Please note that the coordinate-level data and brief description of the experimental design/contrast included in the final meta-analysis will be made publicly available in a dataset on Neurovault.
If you’ve conducted any studies that might qualify, please email us a brief description of your study design. We would need to hear back from you by mid-August to consider any data you have. Many thanks for taking the time to consider this request.
best wishes,
Andrew Lawrence, Magdalena Prokupkova
Cardiff University
Professor Andrew Lawrence
School of Psychology
(College of Biomedical and Life Sciences)
Cardiff University
CUBRIC Building
Maindy Rd
Cardiff CF24 4HQ
Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0712