Data Analyst – Centers for Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Research and Traumatic Brain Injury Research, Kessler Foundation

October 21, 2024

Position summary:

Analyzes functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data as part of a multidisciplinary team of clinical investigators; writes programs and/or scripts to aid in data analysis and maintenance. Leads data management and analyses of behavioral data, eyetracking data, and functional and structural MRI data.

This position is in-person

Required skills/abilities and experience:

  • Knowledge and experience working with MRI data. Experience with neuroimaging software, such as FSL, fMRIPrep, ANTs and FreeSurfer, is required. Ability and motivation to acquire skills in new software and troubleshoot analysis issues is additionally required.
  • Knowledge of and experience working with REDCap.
  • Strong technical skills. Ideal candidate would be proficient in either Python, or R, have experience with Git/Github and feel comfortable in Linux/bash environments.

Essential Responsibilities:

  1. Aggregates, curates, performs quality assurance, and analyzes MRI data (BOLD, DTI, structural).
  2. Recommends efficient algorithms, writes code for specific applications, and automates research image analysis tasks, as appropriate.
  3. Learns, evaluates, and recommends new image-processing tools and implements them where necessary.
  4. Performs image quality assessment at the start of each study.
  5. Assists scientists in writing technical portions of grants and other research funding applications, scientific papers, progress reports, etc.
  6. Provides and supervises individualized training for junior staff members on imagingrelated research projects.
  7. Works in collaboration with IT staff members to ensure the new analysis tools are developed properly and the most up-to-date software is installed.
  8. Develops proficiency in performing neuroimaging data acquisition and assists in accessory data acquisitions (e.g., ePrime, Biopac, etc.).
  9. Adheres to all human subjects protection policies and maintains related files at the highest level of completeness and accuracy required by the IRB for the type of research.

Required qualifications and education:

  • Master’s degree or PhD in computer science, neuroscience, or biomedical engineering with specialization in brain MRI analysis, or equivalent.
  • Minimum of two to five years of experience in biomedical image analysis.

Please send CV to Dr Ekaterina Dobryakova at

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